Sunday 5 November 2017

Oh When Donald's On His Phone

[sung to the tune of Old MacDonald Had A Farm]

Oh, when Donald's on his phone, e-i-e-i-o,
What's on his mind will soon be known, e-i-e-i-o,
With a tweet-tweet here and a tweet-tweet there,
Here a tweet, there a tweet, everywhere a tweet-tweet,
Oh, when Donald's on his phone, e-i-e-i-o.

You'll know he's still up late at night, e-i-e-i-o,
With a tweet-tweet here and a tweet-tweet there,
Here a tweet, there a tweet, everywhere a tweet-tweet,
Oh, when Donald's on his phone, e-i-e-i-o.

And spelling was of no concern, e-i-e-i-o,
With a tweet-tweet here and a tweet-tweet there,
Here a tweet, there a tweet, everywhere a tweet-tweet,
Oh, when Donald's on his phone, e-i-e-i-o.

He shoots opinions from the hip, e-i-e-i-o,
With a tweet-tweet here and a tweet-tweet there,
Here a tweet, there a tweet, everywhere a tweet-tweet,
Oh, when Donald's on his phone, e-i-e-i-o.

He's always waging Twitter wars, e-i-e-i-o,
With a tweet-tweet here and a tweet-tweet there,
Here a tweet, there a tweet, everywhere a tweet-tweet,
Oh, when Donald's on his phone, e-i-e-i-o.

Washington's Broken

[sung to the tune of Morning Has Broken by Cat Stevens] Washington's broken since the first morning When it was spoken: Hail th...